Posts tagged cupping

Massage Cupping

Michael Phelps made cupping known and popular to the world.  I’m sure everyone knows what it is now.  But if you don’t, I’ll explain.  This year I got cupped because of some trouble I was having with my right shoulder. I must admit I was skeptical.  Surprisingly, it felt good and loosened up the joint.  I know, I know these are weird things for a…

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IASTM – Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

I became interested in Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) after seeing the benefits clients received from it after just one session.  So I had it done on myself and became a believer too. That’s when I began learning about the application of the technique and it’s usefulness.  A combination of hands-on massage with IASTM is a powerful combination for breaking down adhesions within the soft…

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